Today was a good day overall. I started it off by being late for my "Texts and Ideas" class. And as I rushed through the classroom door, I kicked over a girl's lunch (fmfl [fuck my fucking life]) luckily she said she was done with it anyway... My guess is, she probably wasn't.
Upon sitting down, I quickly noticed I had been late for a quiz. I love quizzes. This one was on the screenplay "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", good thing I still hadn't finished reading it. Needless to say, my results rang mediocre once again.
After leaving class, and loving my sweet, sweet life, while also questioning my very existence (we had discussed Existentialism) I realized I just don't give a fuck. I walked my sorry ass home, and made pasta for lunch, AGAIN. And I fucking enjoyed it. In fact, it might have been the best pasta I have ever made. Why didn't I get someone else to taste it, and judge it's goodness?!.. Oh yeah, because i'm not friends with any of my roommates and they probably think i'm some sort of fucking weirdo.
Anyways, my day did get better... No, seriously.. It actually did. Joey came over and we went to the mall, and then he drove us a little ways out of town and I got to take some kewl photographs for my Journalism Elements class :) Ta-daaaahhh
I'm looking forward to reading more! Nice pictures!